Embedding RemNote in Notion

In the past I have been able to embed my RemNote pages within my notion pages as I have been using this for my task management and planning
This video demonstrates RemNote being embedded within Notion

Unfortunately it seems that RemNote no longer loads in Notion pages, has there been a change in the RemNote backend and can this be resolved as I was looking to use this process as part of my workflow. Thanks

Assuming Notion embeds behave like plain Iframes you are probably getting this error (check in DevTools/F12 console):

Uncaught SecurityError: Failed to read the 'localStorage' property from 'Window': Access is denied for this document.

Have you used Chrome (or a derivat) in Incognito mode by any chance? Data access is more strict there.

Look here for a fix:

Been looking into the DevTool and this is a screenshot of the issue popping up

I havent been using remnote in incognito and have tried the suggested changes in cookies but that hasnt solved the problem

Sorry, then I can’t help you. I can embed RemNote in from localhost for example with no problems. There is no X-Frame-Options header from RemNote which prohibits its embedding.

Maybe it has to do something with this extension chrome-extension://ihb...? What is this?

Yeah removed the chrome extension but that has not resolved the issue either.
What do you mean by embed from localhost?

I mean that I served a website from https://localhost aka my laptop which contained an Iframe with RemNote. It opens the RemNote frame just fine when I open the site directly and also when I use it as a RemNote plugin.

Just tested in Notion myself. It works pefectly in my Chrome. Must be something on your end.

Not sure whether there has been changes to the Notion backend, RemNote or my computer but RemNote is now embedding into Notion again! :partying_face:


same problem…I usually use notion along with remnote

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Could you tell me whether Remnote works well in your notion app when it embeded in notion?It only can be loaded in web notion when I use.