RemNote 1.4 - the Redesign update is here for all Pro and Life-Long Learners!

RemNote 1.4 - the Redesign Update - is here for all Pro and Life-Long Learners!

This is our biggest update yet, with a complete visual and UX redesign that significantly impacts and improves every aspect of your RemNote experience (UI and UX) and interaction with the tool.

We’d love your opinions and feedback before our public launch. We’re really excited about what we’ve built and want to hear your thoughts before we’re 100% done (so expect a few rough edges). You can check out the new design on .

We’d love higher-level feedback. Please create new posts in the Beta RemNote Server Category so we can make sure we reply to everyone. Please also don’t share redesign details publicly yet, as some parts are not yet finished. Thanks!

Let us know what you think and thank you for your support!

RemNote 1.4 - The Redesign Update

  • We’re super excited to introduce RemNote 1.4 - by far our biggest and most comprehensive UI/UX update yet (with more on the way!). This update brings a complete visual and UX redesign that touches every corner of our product.
  • How we’ve improved your RemNote experience:
    • Modernized and updated all core aspects of the product UI.
    • Removed friction points so you can focus more on your work (learning/thinking) and less on your tool.
    • Expanded workflow customization options and opportunities.
    • Maintained existing workflows (minimal conceptual changes and user interaction changes) with a significantly streamlined user experience.
    • Built a new, more adaptable software foundation. We’ve intentionally focused on UX, UI and bugs in this update instead of new features. This has created a strong foundation for many new features coming soon with a return to our regular release schedule.
  • We hope you enjoy the update (and your new and improved RemNote experience)!

New Cards and Concept/Descriptor UX

  • The flashcard creation process was previously closely integrated with the Concept Descriptor framework. This was a frequent source of friction for both new users and users who desired more flexibility when formatting cards.

  • What we’ve updated:

    • Separated the process of creating flashcards from the Concept/Descriptor framework. Particular care was taken not to break existing workflows for those who use the framework regularly. We believe this new UX will also enhance the experience for Concept Descriptor Veterans, by providing more control/customizability.
    • Removed uppercase/lowercase conventions around the Concept/Descriptor framework (to increase tool flexibility and resolve issues for languages that do not adopt capitalization conventions).
    • Reworked the concept of Multi-line and List cards for ease-of-use.
    • Introduced a new set of delimiters that are more intuitive for new users while simultaneously allowing seasoned users to maintain (and perhaps even strengthen) productivity.
  • Defining Card Types with the new Delimiters

    • Previously, RemNote determined the type of Card (Concept/Descriptor/Question) using uppercase/lowercase conventions. We now have explicit delimiters for each type of card, which gives you more precision and control.
    • Delimiters are keyboard triggers (like :: ) that create RemNote flashcards.
    • “Basic Cards” (New Default Card Type)
      • In addition, it’s now possible to create basic cards that don’t require you to adopt the Concept Descriptor framework. We believe that our tool should be as non-prescriptive as possible, and your feedback convinced us to take the plunge. RemNote is now equally powerful and effective for users who opt not to implement the Concept Descriptor framework in their Knowledge Bases.
      • Create with >>
        • Front side of Basic Card >> Back Side of Basic Card
    • “Concept Cards” and “Descriptor Cards”
      • That said, we still advocate for eventually upgrading to the Concept / Descriptor framework! The process of creating Concept & Descriptor Cards is now more direct and intuitive.
      • Create Concept Cards with ::
        • Concept term :: Definition
      • Create Descriptor Cards with ;;
        • Descriptor name ;; Descriptor Content
    • “ Cards with Multi-Line Answers”
      • Multi-line and List Cards are no longer card types.They don’t have to be standalone card types as they can also co-exist with all the above card types.
      • Add multiple lines to your answer by pressing Enter after any delimiter
        • >> + Enter creates a Basic Card with Multi-Line Answers
        • :: + Enter creates a Concept Card with Multi-Line Answers
        • ;; + Enter creates a Descriptor Card with Multi-Line Answers
    • Add list items to your answer by typing 1. after pressing Enter.
      • By default, cards with multi-line answers test you for all answers at once. You also have the option to be tested in one-by-one mode which then prompts you to recall answers one at a time. A toggle for this mode appears in the Card Preview Menu for Cards with Multi-Line Answers.

Arrows that Denote Practise Direction

  • Card delimiters automatically convert to an → arrow symbol to indicate practice direction.
  • The different directions available for practise are:
  1. >> Forward only cards
  2. << Backward only cards
  3. <> Bi-directional cards
  4. (downward arrow) Cards with Multi-Line Answers

Redesigned Card Preview Menu

  • Arrows ( → ) are clickable and invoke a new Card Preview Menu. The Card Preview Menu can also be triggered with the “/view cards” command. Quickly change card type, practice direction, and testing status.

Defining Practise Direction with the new Delimiters

  • To give more customizability, we’ve made it possible for users to define the direction of practise for any flashcard.
  • Each delimiter supports practice direction variants. No need for extra hotkeys. No extra bottom toolbar clicks! Easily define the direction of practise at the time of flashcard creation with no extra effort.
  • Basic Cards
    • >> forward only card
    • << backward only card
    • <> bi-directional card
  • Concept & Descriptor Cards
    • Concepts Cards :: are Bi-directional by default (this supports the linking of concepts and associated definitions in memory).
    • Descriptor Cards ;; are forward only by default.
  • Additional Customization Options
    • :> forward only Concept Card
    • :< backward only Concept Card
    • ;< backward only Descriptor Card
    • ;<> bi-directional Descriptor Card

Concept / Descriptor Framework & Cards

  • It’s now easier to use Cards and the Concept/Descriptor Framework independently of each other.
  • To ignore the Concept/Descriptor Framework, apply the “>>” style of delimiter.
  • To ignore Flashcard features, add - at the end of any delimiter combination :
  • Concepts ::-
  • Descriptors ;;-
  • Note: The above format can also be used to create cards that you don’t wish to internalise immediately (disabled at creation). The delimiter >>- will help you achieve that.
  • “Question” cards have been merged into the new “Basic Card” type, and the “?” symbol is no longer required. If you prefer to write in a “Question” style in your flashcard creation process, there’s no need to change workflows - “Basic Cards” incorporate all Question Card functionality.

Redesigned Image Occlusion Tool

  • With our newly designed UX, it’s both easier to create and merge occlusions (intuitive click functionality, no reliance on numbering).
  • It also houses an updated and polished bottom toolbar.

A Fresh New Editor

  • We’ve completely rebuilt the editor from the ground up. This is the core interface that you spend most of your time in RemNote with, and we wanted your experience to be smooth and bug free.
  • RemNote now performs significantly better both during loading and editing of large documents.
  • We were able to fix a large number of bugs relating to the editor. Thanks for all the reporting, they really helped!
  • Smooth navigation animations have been added to the editor - let us know how it feels!

Redesigned styles & modals

  • New image insertion UX
  • New LaTeX editor
  • Redesigned all the editor menus for clarity
  • We’ve cleaned up the default Rem Reference UI and removed the | indicator by default.
  • New “+” button on empty Rem for quick-adding frequent items.
  • New header and top section
  • Misc other polish (selected text menu, etc.)

New Image UX

  • Lightning fast Image Insertion UX (Bye, Bye RemNote Loader)
    • No more waiting for images to upload to the server.
    • No more workflow delays! Paste and move on!
    • Immediate customization and editing capabilities (through preview pop-ups):
      • Resize
      • Move
      • Generate Occlusion Cards
      • Continue editing elsewhere. No More Waiting. (We can’t believe this wasn’t possible before)
  • Image Resizing Handles
    • Easy-to-grab handles on two sides of the image. No more mouse struggles to resize the image.
  • Reactive Image Sizes
    • Resize based on image width
    • Options: Small (25%), Medium (50%), and Large (100%)
    • Spend less time finding the perfect size for your images, and more time being productive :sunglasses:
  • Double Click to View Full Screen
    • Single click to view full screen caused a lot of accidental actions. No more inadvertent breaks to your thinking and learning workflow!
  • New Image Menu
    • Easily format images and make occlusion cards.

Better To-Dos behaviour

  • To-Dos were previously a state that was hard to get out of once initiated. We have done some tweaking to make it easier to stop creating new To-Dos.
  • Create a To-Do with Ctrl+Enter like before. Pressing Enter on an empty To-Do Rem will stop the mode and convert it to a normal Rem again

Replaced Hover Effects with Click Effects

  • Keeping in tune with the desire to build a focus-oriented tool, we have removed all layout altering hover effects and replaced them with clickable events. Hover effects have been reported in the past as interrupting/breaking flow and/or annoying for users.
  • If you want, Rem Reference hover previews can be re-enabled in your settings.


  • We’ve introduced a new global “omnibar” that combines functionality from across RemNote: document search, Rem-level commands, document-level commands, global search, settings search, and tutorial search.
  • We had three goals for the Omnibar:
    • Get closer to enabling completely keyboard-driven workflows. Your tool for thought needs to work at the speed of thought, and staying on your keyboard can let you stay in the flow.
    • Enable batch-editing of Rem.
    • Reduce friction for toggling settings (just search from the Omnibar - no need to go into the settings panel).
  • You can activate the Omnibar in “command mode” by typing Ctrl + / at any time.
    • Access the normal Rem-level / commands for your currently focused Rem (ex. /todo, /header, /red, etc).
    • Select multiple Rem, and batch edit them too!
    • Access document-level options (ex. /practice).
    • Toggle settings (ex /dark mode)
    • Navigate around the tool (ex. Type /flashcards)
    • Search resources (ex. Type ?adding image occlusion cards)
  • Note: This feature isn’t yet 100% complete; more polish is coming here!


  • The new List Mode offers increased flexibility and is disentangled from the card system.
  • Type any number to start a list with 1.
  • Hit enter on an empty Numbered Rem to exit the List Mode, thus maintaining your flow of thought.
  • Create non-contiguous numbered lists with empty Rem and/or other non-numbered Rems between list items.
  • Starting another Rem with 1. (or any other number) converts the Rem into a list. Numbering continues in sequential/chronological order

Redesigned “Slash” Menu

  • Our newly rebuilt / Menu organises all commands/actions into sub-menus for easier mouse navigation.
  • We’ve introduced new “Quick Codes” for faster keyboard navigation. Just type /h1, /red etc. No worries - the traditional keyboard shortcuts are still supported!
  • Cool tip: Use the / menu on multiple Rem at the same time through the Omnibar. Batch formatting Rems is now super easy.

Focus Mode

  • We are building RemNote to be the best learning/thinking workspace there is, and our new Focus Mode supports that journey. Every non-essential UI element fades away as soon as you start typing, giving you the focus that you deserve.
  • Less distractions, more productivity!
  • (If you’re an information-hungry user and don’t want this, you can easily disable it in Settings.)

Bye-Bye Bottom Toolbar (Hello Streamlined Workflows)

  • Frequent user feedback suggested the bottom toolbar was confusing and cumbersome (requiring users to shift between keyboard and mouse modes to format Rem; having to move all the way to the bottom of the screen didn’t help either).
  • To honour our commitment to a more focused thinking and learning environment, we removed the toolbar to leave a cleaner, more minimalistic UI, and we didn’t stop there. We moved all of its existing functionality to other parts of the UI so that users have easy access to the features they rely on most, at all times.
  • Changes
    1. Headers and Highlights have been moved into the / Menu and the Six-dot Rem Menu. The former optimises for keyboard formatting while the latter is for those who like to use the mouse. In both cases, we think that it is now easier and more intuitive to format Rem (bulk action is possible as well).
    2. The Card Menu has moved to the Card Preview UI, which is accessible via the / menu or by clicking on the → button of the card. Select between Basic, Concept, and Descriptor cards using the Card Preview UI. Press enter after the arrow to automatically convert any card type with a Single Line Answer to one with Multi-Line Answers. You can now choose to be tested
    3. Edit Later and bullet styling options have moved to the new / Menu, as well, thereby minimising the switch between mouse and keyboard modes while editing.
    4. The “add a portal” menu now has its own trigger (( which opens a search-in-place UI ( similar to the reference search using [[ ). The general search (Ctrl/Cmd + P) also allows you to embed a Rem through a portal using Option + Enter. Read more on this in the Portal sub-section.

Minimalistic Backlinks Counter

  • This section had become a little crowded with the addition of the Document Embed indicator. We’ve changed this to enable a cleaner workspace.
  • All backlink information (References, Tags, and Document Embeds) are now collected into a single Backlinks Counter. Clicking on the counter expands the section and displays a more detailed view. Quickly insert a Search Portal for the specific section by clicking on the number for an individual section.

Changes to the Document Embed Counter

  • This re-designed feature now shows the counter only if a Rem’s parent doesn’t have the same connection. This new convention significantly reduces the clutter and displays information only when contextually relevant.

Lightweight Portals

  • We believe Portals are an integral part of any Knowledge Base:
    1. Portals allow you to pull information from multiple sources without having to duplicate text/other forms of media.
    2. Portals let us think less about the most ideal position for a piece of knowledge in a Knowledge Base (and more about the meaning and application of such knowledge). Knowledge can now live in a countless number of places, with live updates, and the ability to modify entire documents/ hierarchy trees from within a single Portal. Less organising, more connecting, and more extensive re-use and application of thoughts/knowledge.
    3. Portals are effective and efficient curation devices. Imagine Portals as analogous to a shopping cart, pull in desired information from a variety of sources and knowledge streams. Then, place the curated information in a new document/workspace; ready for a quick peek and edit.
    4. Such curated knowledge can easily be turned into curated study decks via Embedded Queues. This function can be accessed via the Portal menu (click on the six dot handle of the Portal)
  • Portals have always been one of RemNote’s most powerful features. Now, they are even stronger and easier to use.
  • Changes
    • For starters, Portals got a complete UI refresh resulting in what we’ve termed “Lightweight Portals”. We have made Portals as unobtrusive as possible. When not focused (no cursor inside of the Portal), Portals only have a minimalistic blue indicator along their indentation line. Additionally, Rem inside the Portal are now aligned with the non-Portal Rem in the editor (previously they were a few spaces indented to the right), thereby supporting more seamless transclusion in documents.
    • Breadcrumbs / Parent stacks in Portals, no longer take up added space, and have been moved into a pop-up on top of the portal (along with the Portal handle and menu). This pop-up shows only while focused on a Rem inside a Portal. A hidden status indicator notifies users about hidden siblings, so that users can pull in more Rem as desired. Try it out and let us know how you like it.
    • The navigation UX also got some attention. Ex. Pressing Enter twice to quickly jump out of a Portal and into the normal editor - less need for mode switching, more uninterrupted thinking/learning.
  • There are now multiple ways to insert a Portal:
    1. The new (( trigger that works similar to the reference [[ and tag ## insertion triggers. This trigger allows you to invoke an in-place search, and then traverse your Knowledge Base to locate and retrieve the Rem-in-need to pull into the current document through a Portal.
    2. It is now possible to pull in a Rem while you are performing a global search using Ctrl/Cmd + P. Global Search now has a new option “ Alt/Option + Enter to enter as a portal”. This new command allows users to choose what they wish to do with a search result, without having to switch modes:
    3. Enter - To open Rem in main pane
    4. Shift + Enter - To open Rem in second/alternate pane
    5. Alt/Option + Enter - To open Rem through Portal
    6. We have maintained the legacy command - Ctrl/Cmd + S that brings up the same global search as above, but clicking on Enter will pull the Rem in through a Portal. We are still debating if this should exist as a separate option or if we could tweak (( to behave more optimally, and have this archived. Thoughts are welcome.

Queue Gets a Fresh Look!

  • The Queue UI is now cleaner, with less buttons and bigger emojis for better visibility. It’s now easier than ever to practice active recall.The Edit Now/Later buttons are tucked away into an Edit Icon and the rest of the buttons are now grouped under a three dot menu.
  • A new (and powerful) Document Preview option lets you take a quick glance at the document/Rem currently being tested. Do check this one out.
  • A minor change to the algorithm now makes sure every interval presented is distinct. Previously “Recalled with effort” and “Recalled immediately” would have the same intervals while testing a card for the first time and this caused some confusion to beginners.
  • We also threw in a back button to the Queue, that takes you, well, back to wherever you were in your Knowledge Base.

New Sidebar

  • In any good knowledgement management tool, locating and capturing information needs to happen almost instantaneously. Towards this goal, we’ve emphasized both search and quick add features in our new sidebar.
  • To make RemNote more focus-friendly, we have disabled the ability to toggle the sidebar by hovering over the entire left margin of the editor. It is now possible to invoke the sidebar by hovering over the top left corner of the editor, where the new sidebar button is housed. No more annoying sidebar appearance while moving the mouse to another chrome tab on the left side of the monitor.
  • The sidebar is now adjustable, just grab the right edge and adjust for size (try pushing it all the way to the left for a little surprise).
  • We also removed the bottom buttons and used the real estate for more important UI elements like the super helpful “Add New” Button. The alternate pane button now resides in the six dot Rem handle (for easier access) and in Settings.
  • We’ve updated some of RemNote’s sidebar terminology.:
    1. Queue is now “Flashcards Queue”
    2. Documents is now “All Notes”

More Powerful Documents Table

  • Lots of exciting new goodies here! Many users desired improvements to the Document Table, as well as more ways to organize and track top level Rem. We appreciate your feedback!
  • Pre-filtered default tabs for :
    1. All Documents
    2. Only Documents
    3. Only Folders
    4. Only Top Level Rems
    5. Only PDFs
    6. Only Daily Documents
  • Not happy with the default filters? We have added a filter UI (read more, below), and you can now mix & match all Rem types to get the custom view that you need. Annoyed with empty Rem in your KB, there’s a filter for that! Select all and delete them for good.
  • It is now, FINALLY, possible to batch edit Documents. Select as many Rem as desired, and batch move or delete them. Keeping your Knowledge Base trim and organised has never been so easy.

De-Emphasization of Document State UX

  • Documents no longer require a Draft/Finished/Pinned state concept… This was a frequent point of confusion where users assumed that this was the only way to organise their RemNote documents/notes.
  • We have retained the ability to pin documents from the document settings that are accessible in the zoomed in state of any rem, but removed all UI elements pertaining to draft/finished states.
  • Existing users can still access the earlier implementation through a legacy setting.
  • New workflow
    • You can either tag rems as documents and then pin them to the sidebar via the three dot menu in the right top corner of the editor or you can directly pin them to the sidebar (which automatically tags them as a document)
    • These pinned documents are then dynamically tracked on the sidebar i.e documents added as children will also show up there. All other non-pinned documents will now fall under the drafts section.

Find, Filter & Replace

  • Along with the redesign we thought it would be great if we could work on one of our top community requests (with many more on the way!). The Cmd/ Ctrl + F now defaults as a Find Feature along with a built-in Filter & Replace.

  • All New Find Mode

    • Introduced a traditional Ctrl+F find mode that functions like your browser’s Ctrl + F. This mode searches any current document and lets you jump between results, without filtering or changing the context.
  • Filter Mode Shortcut

    • Retained the existing filter mode. Press Ctrl + Shift + F to activate.
  • Find/Filter & Replace Function

    • Select Replace from the drop down menu, filter through an entire hierarchy with your search query and then replace as desired and all-at-once. It was never this easy to stay organised with RemNote.

Redesigned Settings Pane

  • We hate that you may have wasted time manually looking for a Setting. RemNote has a lot of Settings, and we’re only getting started. We decided it was time to index all Setting features and have searchable settings.
  • We also organised the Settings better, took away some options that didn’t make sense or add much value, and also gave the page a fresh look.

Separate Toggling from Hiding

  • Just like a cluttered desk, cluttered documents make it harder to stay organized and focused. In this update, we make it easier to navigate and un-clutter documents by conceptually disentangling “hiding” and “toggling” features.
  • Reversible toggling that applies to entire sub-trees.
    • Every bullet point can be toggled “open” to reveal its descendants or “closed” to collapse its descendants. Toggling is now a reversible action that can expand or collapse entire subtrees. Pressing the toggle button twice will always return the editor to its prior state. This enables you to quickly check what’s under a Rem, and then collapse it again when you’re done looking.
  • Hiding is now persistent and unaffected by toggling.
    • When you’re “done” with a Rem, it can be useful to hide it from view. For example, we like to hide finished To-Dos, organized scratch notes, and old ideas.
    • Hiding is now un-affected by toggling. Hiding a Rem and then toggling its parent will leave the Rem hidden; it won’t be automatically re-added until you explicitly un-hide it from the “Hidden Rem” menu. This new behavior allows you to use the toggling feature to explore sub-trees without interfering with your hidden Rem.
    • We’ve also added more /hide options in the / menu to make it easier to batch-edit what’s hidden.

Shared States Across Zoom Levels

  • We’ve changed toggling and hidden states to be shared across zoom levels. We received frequent complaints that the old behavior was confusing when navigating in and out, with content shifting around the screen/document. It also led to some users wasting time “hunting” for hidden Rem. The new behavior leads to a calmer zooming experience, is easier to understand, and still supports advanced workflows.
  • To continue to allow highly-precise customization, Portals still maintain separate toggle and hidden states. If you want to create a custom view with a different subset of Rem visible then a Portal is likely your friend.
  • As with all changes, we strive hard to be backwards compatible - no existing Rem have been altered here. Zoom levels will only start to lock-together when Rem are modified.

Merge Google and Password Accounts

  • We have made it possible to sign-up using both Google and a custom password, for the same RemNote account.
  • Your RemNote account now is linked to a single email address, which acts as a Unique Identifier.
  • It was a constant source of confusion for users, who had signed up with one option and then wanted to switch.
  • We have also added the ability to connect a Google account if you had previously signed up using a custom password for the same gmail ID and vice versa.

Bugs squashed

  • (This is a rough, non-comprehensive summary.)
  • “(Drag&) dropping a bullet onto itself (to abort moving it) opens the rem”
  • “Abandoning an in-page CTRL+F search should return view/cursor to how it was”
  • “Add a “copy portal” button on the portal menu”
  • “Add the function of finding replacement on”
  • "Adding highlight color to existing highlight only removes it. "
  • “Anki SM-2 says «Anki-sm2sm2» in settings #1072
  • “Answer appears in the top left corner when queuing flashcards backwards (or when content of “subject”-side is big enough) after scrolling down”
  • “Backup stopped working in desktop about a month ago #1069
  • “Bolding a Cloze item splits it into 2-3 individual Cloze”
  • “Boxes of Pins and References in the Queue are not properly sized (part of them may be out of screen)”
  • “Bullets Misaligned With LaTeX Blocks”
  • “can not create image occlusion cards”
  • “Can now type quote space and it works”
  • “Can’t Shift+Down select through portal”
  • “Checkbox position in page titles”
  • “Cloze will separate when text stylized, something pasted, etc.”
  • “Cloze window issue in peek at context document view”
  • “Colons in LateX code create flashcards #935
  • “Copy & Pasting between knowledge bases does not respect power ups”
  • “Deleting child document redirects wrong destination”
  • “Deleting empty rem should not show delete dialog”
  • “Disappeared edit menu when an image follows the current line”
  • “Distorting Rem On The Sidebar by Using Images”
  • “Document icon in the queue card covers number of left cards”
  • “Drag&Drop Image onto Sidebar”
  • "Edit gets assigned to the wrong rem "
  • "Edit Now Does Not Automatically Delete ‘Message’ Slot after Editing in-Queue "
  • "Empty card generated when making nested lists "
  • “Fix ‘Adding tag in a auto sort doc not deleting tag stub’”
  • “Fix ‘Deleting empty line is deleting children, not indenting left’”
  • “Fix addAlias and mergeRem in the document title”
  • “Fix arrow keys when selected all”
  • “Fix automatic search portals appearing in read only published articles”
  • “Fix blue glow on zoom out”
  • “Fix copy/paste lists”
  • “Fix editor rem reference interactions”
  • “Fix focus jump on zoom in and press enter”
  • “Fix graph nodes initializing outside of main window”
  • “Fix images not always uploading immediately”
  • “Fix inability to undo bold over references”
  • “Fix inability to use backspace / delete keys on search portals”
  • “Fix jittering, scrolling, and accidentally opening popup when resizing images”
  • “Fix merge Rem with duplicate name in title and add slash command”
  • “Fix pasting into multi-line cards”
  • “Fix pressing escape not closing the image occlusion window”
  • "Fix Repeat Empty Tag/Remnote Reference Search After Removal "
  • "Fix Scrollbar automatically jump back to the top (for web-based remnote only) "
  • “Fix search portal section order”
  • “Fix the portal border being cropped in the document preview”
  • "Fix Trying to change the card type during split view causes weird shaking "
  • “Fix undo/redo image occlusion”
  • “Fixed responsiveness of the Tags”
  • “Fixed Shift + Selection included portals inadvertently”
  • “Flashcards created by descriptors tagged as Document hide its descriptor. #973
  • “Flashcards with Cloze appear with entirely bold text #1058
  • "highlighting causes an additional cloze "
  • "If user cancels popup/dialogue, cursor is no longer where it was originally "
  • "Image and text are “vibrating” - image scale bug "
  • “Images require focus after changing dark mode”
  • "Imagine Occlusion from PDF Highlight Area does not generate a Card "
  • “Improve arrow navigation in the editor by remembering the previous cursor location when skipping across shorter lines of text.”
  • “Inline quote blocks leave a space either side of the string inside the quote block”
  • “Interface display error”
  • “Invisible cursor before (and sometimes after) a graphic”
  • "isDescendant doesn’t work with search portals "
  • “it selects the portal irrelevantly · Issue #1135 · remnoteio/remnote-issues”
  • “Keyboard shortcuts not working in ‘peek at context rem’ mode in queue”
  • “Latex Editor overlaps higher formulas like matrix”
  • “Limited Options With a Smaller Windows”
  • “Make Ctrl + Shift + Alt + A work when have the popup open, move hidden children popup to top of documents”
  • “Mouse Clicks are not working as expected”
  • “Moving Onto Rem Reference and Clicking on Rem Reference Prevents Keyboard Navigation”
  • “Optimize json import”
  • "Page doesn’t scroll when selecting Rems and cursor goes off-screen (up or down) "
  • “PDF highlight image occlusion does not work”
  • “Practising a document option doesn’t practise the document itself, if it is a card”
  • “Problem in Dragging a Rem”
  • “Reactively show reference portals initially”
  • “Remnote does not export three-colon type in markdown format.”
  • "RemNote OPML export doesn’t produce valid documents if special characters are present in the text "
  • “RemNote’s mouse click to enlarge the image problem”
  • "Render bottom add button before backlink portals it selects the portal irrelevantly "
  • “Repeat Empty Tag/Remnote Reference Search After Removal”
  • "right click causes selection "
  • “Selecting an entry from the document menu of the document table does not close it”
  • "Selection selects the portal irrelevantly "
  • “Shared documents, when imported, do not respect the “Generates forward card” and “Generates backward card” restrictions”
  • "Sharing causes anomalous card generation (both directions instead of one; aliases turned into cards) "
  • “Shift Selecting Bug”
  • “SHIFT+click doesn’t work to select multiple Rem #748
  • “Shifting left in a multiline card should maintain the card status”
  • “Support Ctrl + Shift +H with multiple selected Rem”
  • “Tags lead to misaligned bullet points”
  • “Tags make the topic unreadable in mobile device”
  • “The prompt disappears.”
  • “Three dots menu missing in narrow windows”
  • "Title bar colour of the Progressive Web App (PWA) is always white regardless of dark theme "
  • “Toggling a flashcard resets practice directions ·”
  • "Too much extra space after creating a reference "
  • “Trying to change the card type during split view causes weird shaking”
  • “Two bugs when pasting plain text containing numbered list “1.””
  • “UI Bug? | Multiline Cards”
  • “Unintentional Bullet point deletion”
  • "When adding a portal, scrollbar grows "
  • And quite a few others that didn’t make it into this rough list!

Wow! I was very happy, but sad not to be able to test and give my feedback. I have been using the program for a long time and I never abandon it because it helps me too much with my studies. I just have to thank you for giving me an amazing experience (although I got past some anger with the 1.3.15 bugs). Do you know how long it will take to release the global version?

I still think it would be a good marketing strategy to give small images about the update. No doubt it would boost the spirit of the community that has not yet paid for the “life-time” version.


So dope, I’ve been checking in for this exact post daily for a while now. Gonna go check it out now! :heart_eyes:


This release if for all Pro users, not just the Life Long Learners :slight_smile:

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Is there a release forecast for everyone in the coming days?

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Hi! I checked out the beta (i have so many good things to say about it goodness) but I want to know where I can share my feedback? Also can I just use it :joy::joy: I kinda don’t want to go to the old UI after testing this one HAHA the old UI was great but this new one is just so smooth :relieved::relieved::relieved:

UPDATE: I’m just kidding i just read the top of the post <3 thanks so much for this!


Thanks for the team. This update make today a very good day. I will read this change log for the whole day.


Very good. Can the MAC app be downloaded now?

I’m a resident physician who has started to use RemNote a few months ago. I’m so excited for this update! I’ve literally been using remnote to study for my inservice and future board certifying exam. This is going to be a game changer. Please let me know if there is anything else I can do to support you all and make this mainstream.


Wow! a milestone update. I have to say this post made my day! I’ve been waiting a long time for this. Wonderful work RemNote team. Thumb up!!


This update changed everything for me. Now RemNote is both pleasing to my eyes and smooth for my brain to work, boosting productivity to a whole new level. I now have more confidence to introduce RemNote to EVERYONE that I know.


Excuse me.
Does it mean that only all Pro and Life-Long Learners can update to 1.4 and that free users could just continue using 1.3 in the future?
Or, does it mean that everyone can update to 1.4 and that only all Pro and Life-Long Learners can enjoy all the functions?

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I think this update makes parts of the previous remnote learning material (youtube) inadequate/obsolete in some aspects : could you release a video for the new stuffs?

btw: I’ve been looking for the stuff that kinda annoyed me with remnote, and cannot find them. Great job team :wink:

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RemNote 1.4 has not been publicly released yet. The beta version (not more than this) was released for Pro users in advance. Soon a stable version will be lanched for all users, in which, of course, as it is by now, some features will be exclusive to paying members.


I previously put portal as the answer to my card, but the new version doesn’t allow that anymore?

I really want to subscribe you but I just need your app before.🥲🥲

Great News Guys! Remnote has helped me a lot to learn and consolidate information, so I was looking forward for this update to solve a lot of annoying bugs and improve the UX, and so far i can say I’m not disappointed. Congrats team!!


New redesign looks and feels great. The experience is much better then before. Amazing job! Can’t wait for the future of this app. :slight_smile: