[🍪 User Script] Toggle Sidebar and Resize Pane Shortcuts

A user script (for browser extensions like Tampermonkey, Violentmonkey) which adds shortcuts to toggle the sidebar and resize panes in two pane mode.

  • Alt + S: Toggle SIdebar
  • In two pane layout:
    • Alt + H: Move vertical divider left
    • Alt + L: Mover vertical divider right

You can configure those in the lines 23 to 30 before importing the script.


  • Install Violentmonkey (or Tampermonkey, …).
  • Click HERE (this is theRaw button on this gist) and your extension (Tampermonkey, Violentmonkey) should pick up the script.

Note: For the script to be enabled you have to refresh RemNote on a https://www.remnote.io/document/ page (not queue or document list or something).

(I’ll probably release this in another location at some point.)



I haven’t tried it yet, but it looks so amazing! Wow, well done, Hannes! I consider it my early Christmas gift for this year! :heart_eyes_cat:


For those who the user script didn’t work for them.

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Lol, I thought you meant the multiple panel. I’ll try with my 0 knowledge of js to add it to the script.

Sorry, this happens if you are too lazy to type: I meant you need to have a rem open such that the url is remnote.io/document/SOME_REM_ID. Fixed it above.

The script matches all URL of the form https://www.remnote.io/document/*

I think I am too lazy to type :laughing: